Real Estate

WFH Condo Set-up: 4 Remote-Working Essentials

Nuvoland Dream Tower Exterior
Actual Photo of Nuvoland Dream Tower

As more businesses shift to digital, requirements for living spaces that are also conducive for work have become the new normal. Here are 4 features of WFH ready condo set-up that allow professionals to hustle even while at home.

Multi-purpose WFH Ready Furniture

Studio and 1-Bedroom condo units have limited space. So it is practical to choose functional and multi-purpose furniture.

Instead of a bulky computer desk that eats up space, you can opt for a console table. A table with around 16″ Depth and a maximum of 4ft width would be a good size. Deep enough to comfortably fit a laptop, and wide enough for other work essentials. When not in use, it can add character to your living room by serving as a display table for memorabilia, indoor plants, or a diffuser.

Other furniture you should consider is an ergonomic chair to protect your back, and a vertical shelf which can also function as a video-conferencing backdrop.

table image from pexels

Efficient Condo Unit Spaces

Since you’ll be spending more time indoors, it’s important to choose a condo that maximizes natural light and ventilation. Having a well-lit space with a view helps you avoid that unwanted feeling of being enclosed. This is key for your productivity and even mental health. In addition, efficient spaces also help reduce energy consumption that lessen utility expenses.

Nuvoland Dream Tower 1 BR Unit - Living Area & Balcony
Actual Photo Nuvoland Dream Tower 1 Bedroom Unit

Connected & Integrated Community

Living in a condominium with integrated features like banks and a retail strip provides professionals working at home the convenience they need. Easy access to essentials like grocery, food, and laundry can be a lifesaver especially during hectic days.

Co-Working Facilities

There are some developments that further push the envelope by integrating features conducive for a work-home environment. A perfect example is the Nuvoland Dream Tower near Eastwood which has included a co-working space for its residents.

Facilities like this delineate work space and home space — an ideal balance professionals long for in a WFH ready condo set-up.

Nuvoland Dream Tower Coworking Space
Actual Photo of Nuvoland Dream Tower – Co-Working Space